Deadhead will be hitting the studio when everyone is back from the Touche Amore tour, which ends Dec. 5th. If you get a chance to see them in your town, go do it. TA live is definitely an experience. Also, DH will be joining forces with another Melotov favorite, Cathedrals, for a split released on Mayfly Records. That shit'll be epiccccckkkkkxxxx so be sure to pick it up!
Benoit, an up-coming band from Orange County has their demo out for download, but keep an ear out for a 12" (or possibly 7") released in early 2010 recorded at God City Studios by Kurt Ballou of Converge. They blow minds live, so download the demo and catch a show.
Thanks for hanging tight on the CAT/BK split. We've had some "technical difficulties" and it's taking (way) longer than expected to get them vinyls out of the plant. Same with Homesick Abortions, so thanks for being patient!!!
Catch some shows, there's gonna be a ton this weekend. And speaking of, we need two bands for NOVEMBER 12th @ THE COBALT CAFE w/ Tragic Ends, The Kingsford Run, Tidemouth (and possibly) Fed Up and Benoit. If you're interested, please contact Tidemouth at their myspace or on the Melotov Records myspace. It'll be a fun time, and we can always just party afterwards. No big. Handle it.
Also, please keep the demos a-comin'! Just got a few good ones in and love listening to them while driving (something I do too much of). You don't have to send a press kit, but get a CD or vinyl out our way. Physical copies will always trump mp3s.
In the name of all that is independent,